Project interviews

    By |2020-04-28T12:36:43+02:00април 28th, 2020|ПУБЛИКАЦИИ|

    The Project interviews are 16 small videos, where health professionals who work in the cross border area talk about their job and how the Project SMiLe helped them to improve their work.   [...]

      SMiLe Project short film

      By |2020-05-28T16:20:40+02:00април 27th, 2020|ПУБЛИКАЦИИ|

      The short film of the SMiLe Project is a 5-minute video which promote the deliverables and results of the project on both sides of the cross brorder area.

        Deliverable 4.2.3 Pilot accessibility improvement study

        By |2020-04-30T10:13:11+02:00април 21st, 2020|ПРОУЧВАНИЯ|

        The current document is the Deliverable 4.2.3 - Pilot accessibility improvement study. It presents specific accessibility improvement suggestions for the PHC centre of Iasmos, based on the accessibility evaluation carried out at D4.2.2.

          Deliverable 4.2.2 PHC infrastructure accessibility assessment

          By |2020-04-30T10:10:16+02:00април 21st, 2020|ПРОУЧВАНИЯ|

          The current document is the Deliverable 4.2.2 - PHC infrastructure accessibility assessment. In the frame of Deliverable 4.2 a methodology for accessing accessibility of infrastructure and services has been developed and applied in selected Primary Health Care Centres of the [...]